Awarding of Grants

Applications are now open for our September 2024 meeting. Download and complete our application form.

Applications are now open for our September 2024 meeting.

We will require a brief description of the project, detail on which areas of Teesside your project will benefit and how you believe the project will benefit the public/community.

We will need information on timescales for the project (start/end dates), the amount of funding you are applying for with a supporting breakdown of how the funding will be spent and details on other sources of funding. Please note, as a general rule, we don’t fund salaries.

The panel normally meet four times a year to review applications, and the next meeting will be in September 2024.  The deadline for all applications will be Friday 30th August.

To check your eligibility to apply, please view our Teesside Charity – Grant Making Policy.